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32,882 veterans
are homeless on
a single-night in
the United States



when you contribute to our mission,

You ensure that our homeless veterans receive a backpack filled with critical daily and long-term supplies and essentials to support them in self-sufficiency. We can continue to offer veterans quality items and care with your support. When you donate Backpacks For Life, know that your contributions directly affect the lives of our Veterans.

In addition to the donation portal below, you can find us on the following platforms: PayPal, Venmo: @BackpacksForLife, CashApp, Zelle:

To mail us a donation, please send to Backpacks For Life, 201 Montgomery Street #263, Jersey City, NJ 07302


Our Impact

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backpacks distributed in 36 states


veterans mentored in 24 states

How We Bridge The Gap:

  • Provide high-quality backpacks filled with critical daily & long-term essentials

  • Offer mentorship via one-on-one interactions to find resources & care

  • Help assist formerly homeless Veterans with house furnishings

  • General Support in areas including Resume Assistance, New Born Assistance, Temporary Housing

thank you to our partners



help us continue to serve our veterans.


Veteran Testimonials

With a wife and four kids to say something as simple as buying my own Backpack was “impossible” is an understatement. I was left with the finalized thought of spending my first year in college at 32 with my schoolbooks in a shopping bag. My wife sat down with me and asked if there were any Veteran Nonprofits that helped in regards to something as simple as a backpack. That’s when we came across “Backpacks for Life Inc” without hesitation they shipped one right out. So with tears in our eyes and love in our hearts we THANK YOU!!!
— Veteran, Navy
Backpacks For Life has been a huge blessing for me, after going through a couple of tough years of losing everything and having no place to call home. When I finally got my apartment, they helped me pay my first month’s rent, get furniture and had movers bring it to my new apartment. I’m so grateful for them helping me at a pivotal, intricate time, especially during the time when all of the larger organizations declined to help. Oh, one more important thing I want to say about Backpacks For Life: They not only offer Veterans help, but the help that they offer is all-encompassing. As a Veteran, it is important to me to know that Backpacks For Life is supported and able to continue their work because they truly have a heart to help Veterans.
— Veteran, Army
I feel like you are mostly helping out more than the locals are doing and that is truly heartbreaking! I do want you all to know we are all about helping others and karma and what you want done to you you do to others so we will help out with what we can as soon as we get our family situation back on track and are able to live a normal life. It’s going to take time but do know once we start to get there I will help support y’all and give to y’all as much as possible! Thank you again so much.
— Military Spouse, Army